Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Chapter 6.15 - Gibbs Free Energy

In the previous section, we saw the second law of thermodynamics. In this section, we will see Gibbs energy

◼ Gibbs energy G is defined as: Eq.6.16: G = H – TS
    ♦ H is the enthalpy of the system
    ♦ T is the temperature of the system
    ♦ S is the entropy of the system
We know that, H, T and S are state functions. So G is also a state function

Now we will see some interesting calculations based on the above equation. It can be written in 11 steps:
1. Initial and final states of the system:
    ♦ At the initial state A, we have: Gsys(A) = Hsys(A) - TSsys(A)
    ♦ At the final state B, we have: Gsys(B) = Hsys(B) - TSsys(B)
2. Now we can find ΔGsys:
ΔGsys = (Gsys(B) - Gsys(A)) = (Hsys(B) - TSsys(B)) - (Hsys(A) - TSsys(A))
⇒ ΔGsys = (Hsys(B) - Hsys(A)) -T(Ssys(B) - Ssys(A))
Thus we get: Eq.6.17: ΔGsys = ΔHsys - T ΔSsys
3. Note that:
    ♦ Eq.6.16 is related to Gibbs energy
    ♦ Eq.6.17 is related to Gibbs energy change
4. Let us do a dimensional analysis of Eq.6.16
• On the right side, we have:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{[Energy]-[Temperature]\times \frac{[Energy]}{[Temperature]}}}$
= [Energy] - [Energy]
= [Energy]
• So we can write: G has the dimensions of energy. In other words, G is a quantity of energy
• ΔG in Eq.6.17 is the difference between two G values. So ΔG is also a quantity of energy
◼ Eq.6.17 is known as the Gibbs equation. It is one of the most important equations in chemistry
5. In earlier sections, we saw that:
    ♦ A decrease in enthalpy (negative ΔH) could be an indication for spontaneity
    ♦ An increase in entropy of the universe is essential for spontaneity
• Now, Eq.6.17 combines both 'change in enthalpy' and 'change in entropy'
6. Let us see how Gibbs energy is related to spontaneity:
• We have the basic equation: Eq.6.14: ΔSuniverse = [ΔSsys + ΔSsurr]
• We calculated the last term Ssurr as follows:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{Heat\,absorbed/released\,by\,surroundings}{T}}}$
7. We saw that:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{Heat\,absorbed/released\,by\,surroundings}}$ is related to the ΔHsys
• The relation can be written in two ways:
(i) If heat ΔHsys is released by the system, that same heat will be absorbed by the surroundings
    ♦ We can write: If ΔHsys is negative, $\mathbf\small{\rm{Heat\,absorbed/released\,by\,surroundings}}$ will be positive but with the same magnitude as ΔHsys
(ii) If heat ΔHsys is absorbed by the system, that same heat will be lost by the surroundings
    ♦ We can write: If ΔHsys is positive, $\mathbf\small{\rm{Heat\,absorbed/released\,by\,surroundings}}$ will be negative but with the same magnitude as ΔHsys
◼ Based on the two points, we can write:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{Heat\,absorbed/released\,by\,surroundings}}$ is the negative of ΔHsys
8. So Eq.6.14 becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [ΔSsys + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-\Delta H_{sys}}{T}}}$]
• Rearranging this, we get:
TΔSuniverse = TΔSsys - ΔHsys
9. For a spontaneous process, ΔSuniverse will be greater than zero
• T will be always positive because, there are no negative values in the kelvin scale
• Thus we can write:
If the process is spontaneous, (TΔSsys - ΔHsys) will be greater than zero
• (TΔSsys - ΔHsys) can be rearranged as: -(ΔHsys - TΔSsys)
• So we can write:
If the process is spontaneous, -(ΔHsys - TΔSsys) will be greater than zero
• This can be rearranged as:
If the process is spontaneous, (ΔHsys - TΔSsys) will be less than zero
◼ Thus we get an important result:
A process will be spontaneous if: (ΔHsys - TΔSsys) < 0
10. Note that, we are considering the system only. The universe and the surroundings do not come in the equation. So we will drop the subscript 'sys'. We can write:
A process will be spontaneous if: (ΔH - TΔS) < 0
• Also note that, from Eq.6.17, we have: (ΔH - TΔS) = ΔG
◼ So we can write:
A process will be spontaneous if ΔG < 0
11. Consider the equation 6.17: ΔG = ΔH - TΔS
• All three terms are energies
• ΔH is the heat liberated from the system
• But all that ΔH is not available to do work. Because, a quantity of 'TΔS' is being deducted
• The energy remaining after the deduction is the ΔG
• So we can say that, ΔG is the free energy available to do work
◼ For this reason, ΔG is also known as the free energy

Next we will consider the 'possible cases' where a process can be spontaneous or non-spontaneous. It can be written in 6 steps
1. We have Eq.6.17: ΔG = ΔH - TΔS
   ♦ ΔH can be positive or negative
   ♦ ΔS can be positive or negative
   ♦ T can only be positive
        ✰ This is because, there are no negative values in the kelvin scale
2. So four possible cases arise
• Two of them are when ΔH is positive:
   ♦ ΔH positive, ΔS positive
   ♦ ΔH positive, ΔS negative
• Remaining two are when ΔH is negative:
   ♦ ΔH negative, ΔS positive
   ♦ ΔH negative, ΔS negative
3. Let us consider the first case: ΔH +ve, ΔS +ve
• Substituting in Eq.6.17, we get:
ΔG = (+ve) - T(+ve)
• On the right side, first term is positive and second term is negative
   ♦ At small values of T, the first term will be larger
         ✰ Then the result will be a +ve ΔG
   ♦ At large values of T, the first term will be smaller
         ✰ Then the result will be a -ve ΔG
• We know that:
   ♦ -ve ΔG indicates spontaneous process
   ♦ +ve ΔG indicates non-spontaneous process
◼  So for case 1, we can write:
   ♦ ΔH is +ve, ΔS is +ve
         ✰ The process will be spontaneous at large values of T
         ✰ The process will be non-spontaneous at small values of T
◼ This 'case 1' is a special case. It is an endothermic process. That is., heat is absorbed by the system. We see that, if T is increased to a high level, even an endothermic process can be made to take place spontaneously
4. Let us consider the second case: ΔH +ve, ΔS -ve
• Substituting in Eq.6.17, we get:
ΔG = (+ve) - T(-ve)
• On the right side, first term is positive and second term is also positive
   ♦ So whatever be the value of T, ΔG will be always +ve
• We know that:
   ♦ -ve ΔG indicates spontaneous process
   ♦ +ve ΔG indicates non-spontaneous process
◼  So for case 2, we can write:
   ♦ ΔH is +ve, ΔS is +ve
         ✰ Whatever be the value of T, the process will be always non-spontaneous
5. Let us consider the third case: ΔH -ve, ΔS +ve
• Substituting in Eq.6.17, we get:
ΔG = (-ve) - T(+ve)
• On the right side, first term is negative and second term is also negative
   ♦ So whatever be the value of T, ΔG will be always -ve
• We know that:
   ♦ -ve ΔG indicates spontaneous process
   ♦ +ve ΔG indicates non-spontaneous process
◼  So for case 3, we can write:
   ♦ ΔH is -ve, ΔS is +ve
         ✰ Whatever be the value of T, the process will be always spontaneous
6. Let us consider the fourth case: ΔH -ve, ΔS -ve
• Substituting in Eq.6.17, we get:
ΔG = (-ve) - T(-ve)
• On the right side, first term is negative and second term is positive
   ♦ At small values of T, the first term will be larger
         ✰ Then the result will be a -ve ΔG
   ♦ At large values of T, the first term will be smaller
         ✰ Then the result will be a +ve ΔG
• We know that:
   ♦ -ve ΔG indicates spontaneous process
   ♦ +ve ΔG indicates non-spontaneous process
◼  So for case 4, we can write:
   ♦ ΔH is -ve, ΔS is -ve
         ✰ The process will be spontaneous at small values of T
         ✰ The process will be non-spontaneous at large values of T
◼ This 'case 4' is a special case. It is an exothermic process. That is., heat is released by the system. We see that, if T is increased to a high level, even an exothermic process can be made to take place non-spontaneously

Let us see some solved examples:
Solved example 6.30
A reaction, A + B → C + D + q is found to have a positive entropy change. The
reaction will be
(i) possible at high temperature
(ii) possible only at low temperature
(iii) not possible at any temperature
(v) possible at any temperature
1. The given equation is: A + B → C + D + q
• It is not a thermochemical equation because, the energy is written along with the equation
• The products constitute of: C, D and q
    ♦ That means, q is also produced. So it is an exothermic reaction
• We can write the thermochemical equation as: A + B → C + D; ΔH = -q
2. So ΔH is negative. We are given that, ΔS is positive
• Thus this process falls under case 3: ΔH -ve, ΔS +ve
3. We can write:
Whatever be the temperature, the given process will be always spontaneous

Solved example 6.31
For the reaction at 298 K,
2A + B → C
∆H = 400 kJ mol-1 and ∆S = 0.2 kJ K-1 mol-1
At what temperature will the reaction become spontaneous considering ∆H and ∆S to be constant over the temperature range
1. We have E.6.17: ΔG = ΔH - TΔS
• For the reaction to be spontaneous, ∆G must be less than zero
2. To find the temperature at which the reaction just becomes spontaneous, we put: ∆G = 0
• Thus we get: 0 = ΔH - TΔS
3. Substituting the known values, we get:
0 = 400 (kJ mol-1) - [T (K) × 0.2 (kJ K-1 mol-1)]
⇒ T = 2000 K

Solved example 6.32
For the reaction,
2Cl(g) → Cl2(g), what are the signs of ∆H and ∆S ?
1. Sign of ∆H:
• In this process, individual Cl atoms combine to form Cl2 molecules
    ♦ Bond enthalpy will be released
    ♦ So ∆H will be negative
2. Sign of ∆S:
• In the initial state, there are more number of particles
• In the final state, number of particles become half
    ♦ This reduces the disorder/randomness
    ♦ So S decreases
    ♦ Thus ∆S will be negative 

Solved example 6.33
For the reaction
2A(g) + B(g) → 2D(g)
∆U = –10.5 kJ and ∆S = –44.1 J K-1
Calculate ∆G for the reaction, and predict whether the reaction may occur
• We have seen this type of problems in section 6.3
• We will solve this problem using Method I only
• The reader may try Method II also
Method I:
1. The given balanced equation is:
2A(g) + B(g) → 2D(g)
• Let A be the initial state
• In this state, the system is:
    ♦ 2 mol of A and 1 mol B at 298 K and P atm pressure
2. Let B be the final state
• In this state, the system is:
    ♦ 2 mol of D at 298 K and P atm pressure
3. We have seen that:
    ♦ Enthalpy in the initial state, HA = (UA + PVA)
    ♦ Enthalpy in the final state, HB = (UB + PVB)
    ♦ So enthalpy change = (HB - HA) = [(UB - UA) + P(VB - VA)]
4. Here, (UB - UA) is given as -10.5 KJ
• So we can write:
[(-10.5) + P(VB - VA)] = HB - HA
5. In the above equation, there are 3 terms: (-10.5), P(VB - VA) and (HB - HA)
• So, if we can find P(VB - VA), we can calculate (HB - HA)
6. P(VB - VA) can be calculated in steps:
(i) From ideal gas equation, we have:
    ♦ PAVA = nARTA
    ♦ PBVB = nBRTB
• In our present case:
    ♦ PA = PB = P
    ♦ TA = TB = T = 298 K
(ii) So P(VB - VA) = (nB - nA)RT
    ♦ nA = number of gaseous moles in the initial state = total number of gaseous moles of A and B = (2+1) = 3
    ♦ nB = number of gaseous moles in the final state = number of gaseous moles of D = 2
    ♦ So (nB - nA) = (2 - 3) = -1
(iii) Substituting the known values, the right side of (ii) becomes:
(-1 mol) × (8.3 J mol-1 K-1) × (298 K) = -2473.4 J = -2.473 kJ
7. We can use the value obtained above, in the place of P(VB - VA) in (4)
• We get: [(-10.5) -2.473] = (HB - HA)
• So (HB - HA) = ΔH = -[12.973] kJ
8. Now we use Eq.6.17: ΔG = ΔH - TΔS
• Substituting the known values, we get:
ΔG = -12.973 × 103 - (298  × -44.1) = 168.8 J
• Since this value is positive, the reaction is not spontaneous

Solved example 6.34
Calculate the entropy change in surroundings when 1.00 mol of H2O(l) is formed
under standard conditions. ΔH = –286 kJ mol-1
1. Given that, ΔH = –286 kJ mol-1
• So 286 kJ will be absorbed by the surroundings
2. We have: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{Heat\,absorbed\,by\,surroundings}{T}}}$
• The 286 should be given a +ve sign because, heat content of the surroundings increases due to the absorption
• We get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{286 \times 10^3}{298}}}$ = 959.73 J K-1

• In the next chapter, we will see equilibrium




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