Monday, March 8, 2021

Chapter 6.14 - Second Law of Thermodynamics

In the previous section, we saw some basics about entropy. In this section, we will see the second law of thermodynamics

◼ The second law of thermodynamics states that:
When a spontaneous process takes place, the entropy of the universe always increases
• This can be explained in 6 steps:
1. Universe is equivalent to (system + surroundings)
• So entropy of universe, Suniverse = Ssys + Ssurr
2. Initial and final states:
    ♦ At the initial state A, we have: Suniverse(A) = Ssys(A) + Ssurr(A)
    ♦ At the final state B, we have: Suniverse(B) = Ssys(B) + Ssurr(B)
3. The second law states that, the entropy of the universe always increases
    ♦ That means: Suniverse(B) must be larger than Suniverse(A)
    ♦ That means: [Suniverse(B) - Suniverse(A)] must be greater than zero
    ♦ That means: ΔSuniverse must be greater than zero
4. We have:
ΔSuniverse = [Suniverse(B) - Suniverse(A)]
⇒ ΔSuniverse = [(Ssys(B) + Ssurr(B)) - (Ssys(A) + Ssurr(A))]
⇒ ΔSuniverse = [(Ssys(B) - Ssys(A)) + (Ssurr(B) - Ssurr(A))]
• Thus we get Eq.6.14: ΔSuniverse = [ΔSsys + ΔSsurr]
5. So based on the second law, we can write:
For a process to be spontaneous, ΔSuniverse > 0
6. From (4), it is clear that:
To calculate ΔSuniverse, we must know ΔSsys and ΔSsys
    ♦ We know how to find ΔSsys
        ✰ see solved examples 6.23 and 6.24 of the previous section
    ♦ Later in this section, we will see the method to find ΔSsurr

• Using the second law, we can predict the direction of a process
• For that, we look at the entropy in two directions
1. First we consider the direction from left to right
• When the process proceeds in this direction, if we get ΔSuniverse > 0, then the  process will occur spontaneously in this direction
• That means, no external energy is required for the reaction to proceed from left to right
• The opposite is also true:
When the process proceeds in this direction, if we get ΔSuniverse < 0, then the  process will not occur spontaneously in this direction
• That means, external energy is required for the reaction to proceed from left to right
2. Next we consider the direction from right to left
• When the process proceeds in this direction, if we get ΔSuniverse > 0, then the  process will occur spontaneously in this direction
• That means, no external energy is required for the reaction to proceed from right to left 
• The opposite is also true:
When the process proceeds in this direction, if we get ΔSuniverse < 0, then the process will not occur spontaneously in this direction
• That means, external energy is required for the reaction to proceed from right to left

• As mentioned in (6) above, our next aim is to find ΔSsurr. It can be written in 5 steps:
1. Initial and final entropies:
• We have:
    ♦ Entropy of the surroundings in the initial state = Ssurr(A)
    ♦ Entropy of the surroundings in the final state = Ssurr(B)
2. Then change in entropy ΔSsurr = Ssurr(B) – Ssurr(A)
3. This change in entropy is due to the absorption of a heat Q
• This Q can be large or small:
• If Q is large, Ssurr(B) will be large
    ♦ (Because, large Q causes large disorder)
    ♦ Then ΔSsurr will be large
• If Q is small, Ssurr(B) will be small
    ♦ Then ΔSsurr will be small
◼ We can write:
ΔSsurr is directly proportional to Q
4. Based on experiments, scientists obtained another information. It can be written in 6 steps:
(i) Let the surroundings be at a lower temperature T1
    ♦ Let a heat Q be added to the surroundings
    ♦ Let the resulting change in entropy be ΔSsurr(1)
(ii) Let the surroundings be at a higher temperature T2
    ♦ Let the same heat Q be added to the surroundings
    ♦ Let the resulting change in entropy be ΔSsurr(2)
(iii) Here we see an interesting fact:
    ♦ ΔSsurr(2) will be smaller than ΔSsurr(1)
• Let us analyze the reason:
(iv) At the lower temperature T1, the surroundings is somewhat calm
    ♦ To the calm surroundings, we are adding Q
• At the higher temperature T2, the surroundings will already have some disorder
    ♦ To that disordered surroundings, we are adding the same Q
(v) Observing the 'change in disorder' at two temperatures:
    ♦ The 'change in disorder' created by Q at the lower temperature T1
    ♦ Will be more observable than
    ♦ The 'change in disorder' created by the same Q at the higher temperature T2
• This is because, at T2, the surroundings already have some disorder
(vi) So we can write:
    ♦ ΔSsurr(1) at lower temperature is high
    ♦ ΔSsurr(2) at higher temperature is low
• That means:
ΔSsurr is inversely proportional to the temperature
5. So we have two information:
    ♦ From (3), we have: ΔSsurr is directly proportional to Q
    ♦ From (4), we have: ΔSsurr is inversely proportional to T
◼ Combining the two, we get:
Eq.6.15: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{Q}{T}}}$
• From this equation, it is clear that, units of entropy is J K-1

Now that we know the two terms of Eq.6.14, we will see a practical application of the second law. The following five solved example demonstrates the application

Solved example 6.25
Prove that:
   ♦ Ice will not melt spontaneously at -5 C
   ♦ Ice will begin to melt spontaneously at 0 C
   ♦ Ice will melt spontaneously at 5 C
Given that: For the process H2O(s)  H2O(l), ΔS = 22.0 J K-1 mol-1
1. We have to analyze the process: H2O(s)  H2O(l)
• We have seen this process in an earlier section. (see 'Enthalpy changes during phase transformations' in section 6.6)
• The thermochemical equation is: H2O(s)  H2O(l) ΔHfusion = 6.00 kJ mol-1
2. To determine whether a process is spontaneous, we have to apply Eq.6.14:
ΔSuniverse = [ΔSsys + ΔSsurr]
3. First we will find ΔSsys
• But it is already given in the question. ΔSsys = ΔS = 22.0 J K-1 mol-1
• Let us consider one mol ice. Then we can ignore the 'mol-1'
• We can write:
For our present system, ΔSsys = 22.0 J K-1
4. Next we will find ΔSsurr
• We have Eq.6.15: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{Q}{T}}}$
5. From the thermochemical equation, we see that, when 1 mol ice melts, the surroundings will lose 6.00 kJ energy
   ♦ Let QA be the initial heat of the surroundings
   ♦ Let QB be the final heat of the surrounding
• QB will be less than QA because, heat is lost by the surroundings
   ♦ This lost heat is used up for melting the ice
• The change of heat = (QB -QA) = -6 kJ
   ♦ The -ve sign is to be given for 6 because, QB will be less than QA
6. Substituting the known values in (4), we get:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{-6000(J)}{T(K)}}}$
7. Now the result in (2) becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [22.0 J K-1 + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-6000(J)}{T(K)}}}$]
• Now we can take up each case
8. Case 1: When temperature is -5 C
• -5 C is 268 K
• So the result in (7) becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [22.0 J K-1 + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-6000(J)}{268(K)}}}$] = -0.3881
◼  This is a negative value. So we can write:
If this process takes place at -5 C, entropy of the universe decreases
• Any process which causes a decrease in entropy of the universe will not be spontaneous
   ♦ So the process H2O(s)  H2O(l) is not spontaneous at -5 C
   ♦ The reverse process H2O(l)  H2O(s) will be spontaneous at -5 C
9. Case 2: When temperature is 0 C
• 0 C is 273 K
• So the result in (7) becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [22.0 J K-1 + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-6000(J)}{273(K)}}}$] = 0.022
◼  This value is close to zero. So we can write:
If this process takes place at 0 C, entropy of the universe neither increases nor decreases
• Any process which neither increases nor decreases the entropy of the universe will be at equilibrium
   ♦ So the process H2O(s)  H2O(l) is at equilibrium at 0 C
   ♦ If the temperature rises just above 0 C, melting will begin
10. Case 3: When temperature is +5 C
• +5 C is 278 K
• So the result in (7) becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [22.0 J K-1 + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-6000(J)}{278(K)}}}$] = 0.4172 J K-1
◼  This is a positive value. So we can write:
If this process takes place at +5 C, entropy of the universe increases
• Any process which causes an increase in entropy of the universe will be spontaneous
   ♦ So the process H2O(s)  H2O(l) is spontaneous at +5 C
   ♦ The reverse process H2O(l)  H2O(s) will not be spontaneous at +5 C

Solved example 6.26
The process White Tin(s) → Gray Tin(s) occurs when the surrounding temperature falls just below 13.2 C. The ΔH for the process is -2.1 kJ mol-1. What is the ΔS for the process? Which one has greater order? White tin or Gray tin?
1. We have to analyze the process: White Tin(s)  Gray Tin(s); ΔH = -2.1 kJ mol-1
2. To determine whether a process is spontaneous, we have to apply Eq.6.14:
ΔSuniverse = [ΔSsys + ΔSsurr]
3. First we will write ΔSsys
• We have: ΔSsys = S[Product] - S[Reactants]
⇒ ΔSsys = S[Gray] - S[White]
4. Next we will find ΔSsurr
We have Eq.6.15: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{Q}{T}}}$
5. From the thermochemical equation, we see that, when one mol white Tin gets converted into one mol gray Tin, 2.1 kJ is released
• So the surroundings will gain 2.1 kJ energy
   ♦ Let QA be the initial heat of the surroundings
   ♦ Let QB be the final heat of the surrounding
• QB will be greater than QA because, heat is gained by the surroundings
• The change of heat = (QB - QA) = +2.1 kJ
   ♦ The +ve sign is to be given for 2.1 because, QB will be greater than QA
6. Substituting the known values in (4), we get:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{+2100(J)}{T(K)}}}$
7. Now the result in (2) becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [S[Gray] - S[White] + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{+2100(J)}{T(K)}}}$]
8. Given that, the conversion just begins at 13.2 C
    ♦ That means, at 13.2 C, the system is in equilibrium
    ♦ That means, at 13.2 C, there is no change in entropy of the universe
    ♦ That means, at 13.2 C, ΔSuniverse = 0
• 13.2 C is equal to (273.15 + 13.2) = 286.4 K
9. So the result in (7) becomes:
0 = [S[Gray] - S[White] + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{+2100(J)}{286.4(K)}}}$]
⇒ S[Gray] - S[White] = $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-2100(J)}{286.4(K)}}}$ = -7.33 J K-1
10. So we can write:
ΔS for the process White Tin(s) → Gray Tin(s) is -7.33 J K-1
11. The -ve value of the ΔS indicates that, the entropy decreases
    ♦ That means, the reactant has greater entropy
    ♦ That means, the reactant has greater disorder
    ♦ That means the product has greater order
• So we can write:
Gray Tin has greater order

Solved example 6.27
The process Orthorhombic Sulfur(s) → Monoclinic Sulfur(s) occurs when the surrounding temperature rises just above 95.3 C. The ΔH for the process is +0.401 kJ mol-1. What is the ΔS for the process? Which one has greater order? Orthorhombic Sulfur or Monoclinic Sulfur?
1. We have to analyze the process:
Orthorhombic Sulfur(s) Monoclinic Sulfur(s); ΔH = +0.401 kJ mol-1
2. To determine whether a process is spontaneous, we have to apply Eq.6.14:
ΔSuniverse = [ΔSsys + ΔSsurr]
3. First we will write ΔSsys
• We have: ΔSsys = S[Product] - S[Reactants]
⇒ ΔSsys = S[Mono] - S[Ortho]
4. Next we will find ΔSsurr
• We have Eq.6.15: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{Q}{T}}}$
5. From the thermochemical equation, we see that, when one mol ortho gets converted into one mol mono, 0.401 kJ is absorbed
• So the surroundings will lose 0.401 kJ energy
   ♦ Let QA be the initial heat of the surroundings
   ♦ Let QB be the final heat of the surrounding
• QB will be lesser than QA because, heat is lost by the surroundings
• The change of heat = (QB - QA) = -0.401 kJ
   ♦ The -ve sign is to be given for 0.401 because, QB will be lesser than QA
6. Substituting the known values in (4), we get:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{-401(J)}{T(K)}}}$
7. Now the result in (2) becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [S[Mono] - S[Ortho] + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-401(J)}{T(K)}}}$]
8. Given that, the conversion just begins at 95.3 C
    ♦ That means, at 95.3 C, the system is in equilibrium
    ♦ That means, at 95.3 C, there is no change in entropy of the universe
    ♦ That means, at 95.3 C, ΔSuniverse = 0
• 95.3 C is equal to (273.15 + 95.3) = 368.45 K
9. So the result in (7) becomes:
0 = [S[Mono] - S[Ortho] + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-401(J)}{368.45(K)}}}$]
⇒ S[Mono] - S[Ortho] = $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{401(J)}{368.45(K)}}}$ = 1.09 J K-1
10. So we can write:
ΔS for the process Orthorhombic Sulfur(s) → Monoclinic Sulfur(s) is 1.09 J K-1
11. The +ve value of the ΔS indicates that, the entropy increases
    ♦ That means, the product has greater entropy
    ♦ That means, the product has greater disorder
    ♦ That means the reactant has greater order
• So we can write:
Orthorhombic sulfur has greater order

Solved example 6.28
Calculate the entropy change for oxidation of iron, 4Fe(s) + 3O2 (g) → 2Fe2O3(s). Inspite of negative entropy change of this reaction, why is the reaction spontaneous at 298 K?
(ΔHr of the reaction is –1648 × 103 J mol-1)
1. We have already calculated the entropy change for this reaction
(see solved example 6.23 of the previous section)
• We got: ΔSr = -549.74 J K-1
2. To determine whether a process is spontaneous, we have to apply Eq.6.14:
ΔSuniverse = [ΔSsys + ΔSsurr]
3. The result in (1) is ΔSsys
So we have: ΔSsys = -549.74 J K-1
4. Next we will find ΔSsurr
• We have Eq.6.15: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{Q}{T}}}$
5. From the data given, we see that, during the reaction, 1648 × 103 J is released
• So the surroundings will gain 1648 × 103 J energy
   ♦ Let QA be the initial heat of the surroundings
   ♦ Let QB be the final heat of the surrounding
• QB will be greater than QA because, heat is gained by the surroundings
• The change of heat = (QB - QA) = +1648 × 103 J
   ♦ The +ve sign is to be given for 1648 × 103 because, QB will be greater than QA
6. Substituting the known values in (4), we get:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{+1648 × 10^3 (J)}{T(K)}}}$
7. Now the result in (2) becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [-549.74 J K-1 + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{+1648 × 10^3(J)}{T(K)}}}$]
8. We have to examine the reaction at 298 K. So T = 298 K
9. So the result in (7) becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [-549.74 J K-1 + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{+1648 × 10^3(J)}{298(K)}}}$]
⇒ ΔSuniverse = 4980.5
10. This is a positive value
• That means, the entropy of the universe increases
• So the process will be spontaneous

Solved example 6.29
Calculate the temperature at which the following reaction becomes spontaneous:
CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g); ΔHr = +179 kJ mol-1
1. We have to analyze the process:
CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g); ΔHr = +179 kJ mol-1
2. To determine whether a process is spontaneous, we have to apply Eq.6.14:
ΔSuniverse = [ΔSsys + ΔSsurr]
3. We have: ΔSsys = S[Product] - S[Reactants]
⇒ ΔSr = S[CaO(s)] + S[CO2(g)] - S[CaCO3(s)]
⇒ ΔSr = 39.75 + 213.74 - 92.9 = 160.59
4. Next we will find ΔSsurr
• We have Eq.6.15: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{Q}{T}}}$
5. From the data given, we see that, during the reaction, 179 × 103 J is absorbed
• So the surroundings will lose 179 × 103 J energy
   ♦ Let QA be the initial heat of the surroundings
   ♦ Let QB be the final heat of the surrounding
• QB will be lesser than QA because, heat is lost by the surroundings
• The change of heat = (QB - QA) = -179 × 103 J
   ♦ The -ve sign is to be given for 179 × 103 because, QB will be lesser than QA
6. Substituting the known values in (4), we get:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta S_{surr}=\frac{-179 × 10^3 (J)}{T(K)}}}$
7. Now the result in (2) becomes:
ΔSuniverse = [160.59 J K-1 + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-179 × 10^3(J)}{T(K)}}}$]
8. We want ΔSuniverse to be positive. Only then will the reaction become spontaneous
• The sign of ΔSuniverse is decided by two terms:
   ♦ 160.59 and $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-179 × 10^3(J)}{T(K)}}}$
• 179 × 103 is very large when compared to 160.59
   ♦ So we will want a large 'T' to make the second term small
9. We will first find the equilibrium temperature by equating ΔSuniverse to zero. We get:
0 = [160.59 J K-1 + $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{-179 × 10^3(J)}{T(K)}}}$]
⇒ T = 1114.64 K
10. If we raise T a little above 1114.64 K, the reaction will become spontaneous

• In the next section, we will see Gibbs energy




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