Saturday, February 27, 2021

Chapter 6.11 - Solution Process - Exothermic or Endothermic

In the previous section, we saw details about enthalpy of solution
• We saw that
    ♦ ΔHsol of NaCl is positive
    ♦ ΔHsol of CaCl2 is negative
• In this section, we will see the reason for why some values are positive, while some are negative

• First we will see a side by side comparison between NaCl and LiCl
• The comparison can be written in 7 steps:
1. Drawing the cycles side by side
    ♦ Fig.6.17(a) below shows the Born-Haber cycle for NaCl
    ♦ Fig.6.17(b) below shows the Born-Haber cycle for LiCl


2. Comparing lattice enthalpies
    ♦ In fig.a, the yellow arrow shows the ΔHlattice of NaCl
    ♦ In fig.b, the yellow arrow shows the ΔHlattice of LiCl
• We see that, in fig.b, the yellow arrow is longer
    ♦ This is because
        ✰ ΔHlattice of NaCl is 788
        ✰ ΔHlattice of LiCl is 829
3. Comparing hydration enthalpy of Cl-
• In the previous section , we drew:
    ♦ ΔHhyd of the positive ion on top
    ♦ ΔHlattice of negative ion at bottom
• This time, since we have to make a comparison, we will draw the negative ion (Cl-) on top
    ♦ In fig.a, the top pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Cl- ion in NaCl
    ♦ In fig.b, the top pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Cl- ion in LiCl
• The green dashed line indicates that, both the pink arrows are of the same size
4. Comparing hydration enthalpies of Na+ and Li+
    ♦ In fig.a, the bottom pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Na+ ion in NaCl
    ♦ In fig.b, the bottom pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Li+ ion in LiCl
• We see that, in fig.b, the bottom pink arrow is longer
    ♦ This is because
        ✰ ΔHhyd of Na+ is -424
        ✰ ΔHhyd of Li+ is -538
5. The competing items:
• There is always a competition between the following two items:
(i) The yellow arrow
(ii) Sum of the two pink arrows
• This can be explained in two steps:
(i) The yellow arrow indicates the amount of energy that is to be supplied to dissociate the salt into it's ions in gaseous state
• So we can write:
    ♦ Longer yellow indicates that, we need to supply greater energy
    ♦ Shorter yellow indicates that, we need to supply only lesser energy
(ii) The pink arrows indicate the amount of energy that will be released during hydration processes
• So we can write:
   ♦ Longer pink arrow indicates that, we will receive greater energy
   ♦ Shorter pink arrow indicates that, we will receive only a lesser energy
(iii) So the net energy supplied/received will depend on the relative sizes of arrows
6. In NaCl, we see that, the yellow arrow is longer than the sum of two pink arrows
   ♦ So we need to supply a net energy
   ♦ The ΔHsol is thus positive
7. In LiCl, we see that, the yellow arrow is shorter than the sum of two pink arrows
   ♦ So we will receive a net energy
   ♦ The ΔHsol is thus negative

The reason for such a difference can be written in 8 steps:

1. In the periodic table, both Li and Na belongs to group I
2. But Li is above Na
• So Li will have a lesser number of main shells
• Indeed we know that:
    ♦ Li has two main shells: K and L
    ♦ Na has three main shells: K, L and M
3. So the ionic radius of Li+ will be smaller than the ionic radius of Na+
(We saw those details when we learnt about periodic trends. Details here)
• When the ionic radius decreases, the attractive force on the opposite ion increases
    ♦ Then it will be more difficult to separate the two ions
4. In our present case, this increased attraction has the following two effects:
(i) In the lattice structures:
    ♦ Li+ exerts a greater attraction on Cl-
    ♦ Na+ exerts a lesser attraction on Cl-
• So more energy is required for dissociation in the case of LiCl
(ii) In the hydrated structures:
    ♦ Li+ exerts a greater attraction on H2O molecules
    ♦ Na+ exerts a lesser attraction on H2O molecules
• So more energy will be released during hydration of Li+
5. As a result of 4(i):
    ♦ the yellow arrow of LiCl is longer
    ♦ the yellow arrow of NaCl is shorter
6. As a result of 4(ii):
    ♦ the bottom pink arrow of LiCl is longer
    ♦ the bottom pink arrow of NaCl is shorter
7. How ΔHsol of LiCl becomes negative:
• We see that (when compared to NaCl), both yellow and bottom pink arrow of LiCl become longer
• We would expect the effects to cancel each other
    ♦ But the increase in the bottom pink arrow
    ♦ is much larger than
    ♦ the increase in yellow arrow
• So the 'increase in pink arrow' outweighs the 'increase in yellow arrow'
    ♦ Thus we receive a net energy
    ♦ In other words, ΔHsol of LiCl is negative
8. Thus we see that, the ionic radius plays an important role in determining the sign of ΔHsol 

In addition to the 'ionic radius', the 'ionic charge' also plays an important role. This can be explained by comparing NaCl and CaCl2. It can be written in steps:

1. Drawing the cycles side by side
    ♦ Fig.6.18(a) below shows the Born-Haber cycle for NaCl
    ♦ Fig.6.18(b) below shows the Born-Haber cycle for CaCl2


2. Comparing lattice enthalpies
    ♦ In fig.a, the yellow arrow shows the ΔHlattice of NaCl
    ♦ In fig.b, the yellow arrow shows the ΔHlattice of CaCl2
• We see that, in fig.b, the yellow arrow is longer
    ♦ This is because
        ✰ ΔHlattice of NaCl is 788
        ✰ ΔHlattice of LiCl is 2258
3. Comparing hydration enthalpies of Cl-
    ♦ In fig.a, the top pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Cl- ion in NaCl
    ♦ In fig.b, the top pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Cl- ion in CaCl2
• We see that, in fig.b, the top pink arrow is longer
    ♦ This is because
        ✰ In CaCl2, two moles of Cl- ions are available
        ✰ Naturally, greater energy will be released during hydration of Cl-
4. Comparing hydration enthalpies of Na+ and Ca2+:
    ♦ In fig.a, the bottom pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Na+ ion in NaCl
    ♦ In fig.b, the bottom pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Ca+ ion in CaCl2
• We see that, in fig.b, the bottom pink arrow is longer
    ♦ This is because
        ✰ ΔHhyd of Na+ is -424
        ✰ ΔHhyd of Ca2+ is -1650
5. The competing items:
• There is always a competition between the following two items:
(i) The yellow arrow
(ii) Sum of the two pink arrows
• This can be explained in two steps:
(i) The yellow arrow indicates the amount of energy that is to be supplied to dissociate the salt into it's ions in gaseous state
• So we can write:
    ♦ Longer yellow indicates that, we need to supply greater energy
    ♦ Shorter yellow indicates that, we need to supply only lesser energy
(ii) The pink arrows indicate the amount of energy that will be released during hydration processes
• So we can write:
   ♦ Longer pink arrow indicates that, we will receive greater energy
   ♦ Shorter pink arrow indicates that, we will receive only a lesser energy
(iii) So the net energy supplied/received will depend on the relative sizes of arrows
6. In NaCl, we see that, the yellow arrow is longer than the sum of two pink arrows
   ♦ So we need to supply a net energy
   ♦ The ΔHsol is thus positive
7. In CaCl2, we see that, the yellow arrow is shorter than the sum of two pink arrows
   ♦ So we will receive a net energy
   ♦ The ΔHsol is thus negative

The reason for such a difference can be written in 8 steps:

1. Comparison of charges:
    ♦ In Na+, the charge is +1
    ♦ In Ca2+, the charge is +2
• So Ca2+ has a greater charge
• When the ionic charge increases, the attractive force on the opposite ion increases
    ♦ Then it will be more difficult to separate the two ions
2. In our present case, this increased attraction has the following two effects:
(i) In the lattice structures:
    ♦ Ca2+ exerts a greater attraction on Cl-
    ♦ Na+ exerts a lesser attraction on Cl-
• So more energy is required for dissociation in the case of CaCl2
(ii) In the hydrated structures:
    ♦ Ca2+ exerts a greater attraction on H2O molecules
    ♦ Na+ exerts a lesser attraction on H2O molecules
• So more energy will be released during hydration of Ca2+
3. As a result of 2(i):
    ♦ the yellow arrow of CaCl2 is longer
    ♦ the yellow arrow of NaCl is shorter
4. As a result of 2(ii):
    ♦ the bottom pink arrow of CaCl2 is longer
    ♦ the bottom pink arrow of NaCl is shorter
7. How ΔHsol of CaCl2 becomes negative:
• We see that (when compared to NaCl), both yellow and pink arrows of CaCl2 become longer
• We would expect the effects to cancel each other
    ♦ But the increase in the pink arrows
    ♦ is much larger than
    ♦ the increase in yellow arrow
• So the 'increase in pink arrow' outweighs the 'increase in yellow arrow'
    ♦ Thus we receive a net energy
    ♦ In other words, ΔHsol of CaCl2 is negative
8. Thus we see that, the 'ionic charge' also plays an important role in determining the sign of ΔHsol 

• In the above discussions we compared compounds having the same negative ion but different positive ions:
   ♦ NaCl and LiCl
   ♦ NaCl and CaCl2
• Next we will compare two compounds having the same positive ion but different negative ions:
   ♦ NaCl and NaF 

• First we will see a side by side comparison between NaCl and NaF
• The comparison can be written in 7 steps:
1. Drawing the cycles side by side
    ♦ Fig.6.19(a) below shows the Born-Haber cycle for NaCl
    ♦ Fig.6.19(b) below shows the Born-Haber cycle for NaF


 2. Comparing lattice enthalpies
    ♦ In fig.a, the yellow arrow shows the ΔHlattice of NaCl
    ♦ In fig.b, the yellow arrow shows the ΔHlattice of NaF
• We see that, in fig.b, the yellow arrow is longer
    ♦ This is because
        ✰ ΔHlattice of NaCl is 788
        ✰ ΔHlattice of NaF is 904
3. Comparing hydration enthalpy of Na+
• Since we have to make a comparison, we will draw the positive ion (Na+) on top
    ♦ In fig.a, the top pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Na+ ion in NaCl
    ♦ In fig.b, the top pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Na+ ion in NaF
• The green dashed line indicates that, both the pink arrows are of the same size
4. Comparing hydration enthalpies of Cl- and F-:
    ♦ In fig.a, the bottom pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of Cl- ion in NaCl
    ♦ In fig.b, the bottom pink arrow shows the ΔHhyd of F- ion in NaF
• We see that, in fig.b, the bottom pink arrow is longer
    ♦ This is because
        ✰ ΔHhyd of Cl- is -359
        ✰ ΔHhyd of F- is -504
5. The competing items:
There is always a competition between the following two items:
(i) The yellow arrow
(ii) Sum of the two pink arrows
• This can be explained in two steps:
(i) The yellow arrow indicates the amount of energy that is to be supplied to dissociate the salt into it's ions in gaseous state
• So we can write:
    ♦ Longer yellow indicates that, we need to supply greater energy
    ♦ Shorter yellow indicates that, we need to supply only lesser energy
(ii) The pink arrows indicate the amount of energy that will be released during hydration processes
• So we can write:
   ♦ Longer pink arrow indicates that, we will receive greater energy
   ♦ Shorter pink arrow indicates that, we will receive only a lesser energy
(iii) So the net energy supplied/received will depend on the relative sizes of arrows
6. In NaCl, we see that, the yellow arrow is longer than the sum of two pink arrows
   ♦ So we need to supply a net energy
   ♦ The ΔHsol is thus positive
7. In NaF, we see that, the yellow arrow is shorter than the sum of two pink arrows
   ♦ So we will receive a net energy
   ♦ The ΔHsol is thus negative

The reason for such a difference can be written in 8 steps:

1. In the periodic table, both Cl and F belong to group 17
2. But F is above Cl
• So F will have a lesser number of main shells
• Indeed we know that:
    ♦ F has two main shells: K and L
    ♦ Cl has three main shells: K, L and M
3. So the ionic radius of F- will be smaller than the ionic radius of Cl-
(We saw those details when we learnt about periodic trends. Details here)
• When the ionic radius decreases, the attractive force on the opposite ion increases
    ♦ Then it will be more difficult to separate the two ions
4. In our present case, this increased attraction has the following two effects:
(i) In the lattice structures:
    ♦ F- exerts a greater attraction on Na+
    ♦ Cl- exerts a lesser attraction on Na+
• So more energy is required for dissociation in the case of NaF
(ii) In the hydrated structures:
    ♦ F- exerts a greater attraction on H2O molecules
    ♦ Cl- exerts a lesser attraction on H2O molecules
• So more energy will be released during hydration of F-
5. As a result of 4(i):
    ♦ the yellow arrow of NaF is longer
    ♦ the yellow arrow of NaCl is shorter
6. As a result of 4(ii):
    ♦ the bottom pink arrow of NaF is longer
    ♦ the bottom pink arrow of NaCl is shorter
7. How ΔHsol of NaF becomes negative:
• We see that (when compared to NaCl), both yellow and bottom pink arrow of NaF become longer
• We would expect the effects to cancel each other
    ♦ But the increase in the bottom pink arrow
    ♦ is much larger than
    ♦ the increase in yellow arrow
• So the 'increase in pink arrow' outweighs the 'increase in yellow arrow'
    ♦ Thus we receive a net energy
    ♦ In other words, ΔHsol of NaF is negative
8. Thus we see that, the 'ionic radius' of 'negative ions' also play an important role in determining the sign of ΔHsol 

Solubility of salts

• We have seen that, the ionic radius plays an important role in determining the lattice enthalpy
    ♦ Smaller the ionic radius, greater will be the bond between the ions
• So in the lattice structure, bonds in the fluorides will be stronger than bonds in the chlorides
    ♦ That is why it is more difficult to dissolve fluorides when compared to chlorides

General formula for enthalpy of solution

A general formula can be derived in 5 steps:
1. We saw that, there is always a competition between the following two items:
(i) The yellow arrow
(ii) Sum of the two pink arrows
2. Mathematical form:
    ♦ The yellow arrow is ΔHlattice
    ♦ Sum of two pink arrows is: ∑ ΔHhyd
3. Result of the competition:
    ♦ The yellow arrow is in the upward direction
    ♦ Pink arrows are in the downward direction
• So result will be given by subtraction: ΔHlattice - ∑ ΔHhyd
4. This result is the enthalpy of solution. So we can write:
Eq.6.12: ΔHsol = ΔHlattice - ∑ ΔHhyd
5. This Eq.6.12 can be used for both exothermic and endothermic processes
• Consider the two terms on the right side of the equation
    ♦ If the first term is larger, we will get a positive result
        ✰ This indicates an endothermic process
    ♦ If the first term is smaller, we will get a negative result
        ✰ This indicates an exothermic process

• In the next section, we will see spontaneity




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