In the previous section, we saw hard water and soft water. In this section, we will see hydrogen peroxide.
Some basics about peroxides can be written in 4 steps:
1. Peroxides are a group of compounds having O-O single bond.
The O-O group in a peroxide is called peroxide group.
2. Hydrogen peroxide will have the formula H-O-O-H
• In short form, it is written as H2O2
All the three bonds in H2O2 are covalent bonds.
3. Barium peroxide will have the formula Ba2+ O--O-
It is an ionic compound. The ions are Ba2+and O--O-.
In short form, it is written as: BaO2.
4. Sodium peroxide will have the formula 2Na+ O--O-
It is an ionic compound. The ions are Na+, Na+ and O--O-.
In short form, it is written as: Na2O2.
Hydrogen peroxide is the most common peroxide.
In pure form, hydrogen peroxide is a very pale blue liquid.
When it is made into a solution with water, it becomes almost color less.
Hydrogen peroxide has many practical uses. It is used as an oxidizer, bleaching agent and antiseptic. It is also used as a rocket propellant.
First we will see the preparation of hydrogen peroxide.
Method I: From sodium peroxide and sulfuric acid.
This can be written in 3 steps:
1. Calculated quantities of sodium peroxide is gradually added to an ice-cold solution of 20% H2SO4.
Na2O2 + H2SO4 ⟶ Na2SO4 + H2O2
2. This solution is kept undisturbed for some time.
• Crystals of Na2SO4.10H2O separates out. Those crystals can be removed by filtration.
• The resulting solution will contain 30% H2O2.
3. This method is known as Merck’s method for preparing hydrogen peroxide.
Method II: From barium peroxide and sulfuric acid.
This can be written in 3 steps:
1. Solid crystals of hydrated barium peroxide is made into a thin paste using ice-cold water.
This paste is then added slowly to an ice-cold solution of 20% H2SO4.
BaO2.8H2O (s) + H2SO4 (aq) ⟶ BaSO4 (s) + H2O2 (aq) + 8H2O (l)
The white precipitate of BaSO4 is removed by filtration. After filtration, we get a 5% solution of H2O2.
2. Note that, we use hydrated barium peroxide (BaO2.8H2O) for this reaction. We do not use anhydrous barium peroxide (BaO2). The reason can be written in 2 steps:
(i) Suppose that, we use BaO2. Then the newly forming BaSO4 will be able to stick to the crystals of BaO2.
Soon, a coating of BaSO4 will be formed around the BaO2 crystals.
This coating will prevent the further reaction of BaO2 with H2SO4.
(ii) In hydrated barium peroxide, the BaO2 molecules are surrounded by water molecules.
So the BaSO4 will not be able to stick to the crystal surface. So the coating will not form.
3. The solution obtained after filtration will contain Ba2+ ions and H2SO4 molecules. The presence of these ions and molecules will increase the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. So this method is not preferred if the hydrogen peroxide is to be stored for a longer period of time.
Method III: From barium peroxide and carbon dioxide.
This can be written in 3 steps:
1. A rapid stream of CO2 is bubbled through a thin paste of BaO2.
BaO2 + H2O + CO2 ⟶ BaCO3q + H2O2.
2. The BaCO3 (barium carbonate) is insoluble. It is filtered out.
3. After filtration, we get a dilute solution of H2O2.
Method IV: From barium peroxide and phosphoric acid.
This can be written in 3 steps:
1. Action of phosphoric acid on barium peroxide ⟶ hydrogen peroxide.
3BaO2 + H3PO4 ⟶ Ba3(PO4)2 + 3H2O2
2. All the heavy metal impurities present in BaO2 are converted into insoluble phosphates.
3. The heavy metal impurities are known to catalyze the decomposition of H2O2. So the H2O2 obtained by this method has greater shelf life.
Method V: Electrolysis of 50% H2SO4
This can be written in 4 steps:
1. Electrolysis of cold 50% solution of H2SO4 is carried out with platinum anode and graphite cathode.
2. The H2SO4 first dissociates as shown below:
H2SO4 ⟶ H+ + HSO4-
Reaction at cathode is:
2H+ + 2e- ⟶ H2
Reaction at anode is:
2HSO4- ⟶ H2S2O8 + 2e-
3. H2S2O8 (peroxodisulphuric acid) formed at the anode is taken out and water is added to it.
This solution is distilled under low pressure. The following reactions take place during distillation:
♦ H2S2O8 + H2O ⟶ H2SO5 + H2SO4
♦ H2SO5 + H2O ⟶ H2SO4 + H2O2
4. The hydrogen peroxide has a low boiling point when compared with H2SO4. So during distillation, it evaporates leaving the H2SO4 behind.
The H2O will also evaporate. So after condensation, we will be getting a dilute solution of H2O2.
Method VI: Electrolysis of equimolar mixture of H2SO4 and ammonium sulphate
This can be written in 5 steps:
1. The ammonium sulphate first reacts with H2SO4 to give ammonium bisulphate.
(NH4)2SO4 + H2SO4 ⟶ 2NH4HSO4
2. The ammonium bisulphate dissociates as shown below:
NH4HSO4 ⟶ H+ + NH4SO4-
Reaction at cathode is:
2H+ + 2e- ⟶ H2
Reaction at anode is:
2NH4SO4- ⟶ (NH4)2S2O8 + 2e-
3. (NH4)2S2O8 (ammonium persulphate) formed at the anode is taken out and water is added to it.
This solution is distilled under low pressure.
(NH4)2S2O8 + H2O ⟶ 2NH4HSO4 + H2O2
4. This method gives more concentrated solution of H2O2.
5. This method is now used to prepare D2O2 in the laboratory.
K2S2O8 + 2D2O ⟶ 2KDSO4 + D2O2
Industrial preparation of hydrogen peroxide
Auto-oxidation of 2-ethylanthraquinol gives H2O2. It can be written in 4 steps:
1. Auto-oxidation refers to the reaction with oxygen at normal temperatures. Flame or electric spark is not required for such a reaction.
2. O2 is bubbled through a 10% solution of 2-ethylanthraquinol.
2-ethylanthraquinol undergoes auto-oxidation.
During the oxidation process, the ‘ol’ changes to ‘one’.
That is., the alcohol changes to ketone. H2O2 is also produced. This is shown in the fig.9.5 below:
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Fig.9.5 |
• Note that, the -OH group (alcohol group) changes to =O group (keto group)
3. So the resulting mixture contains the ketone and H2O2
• To this mixture, water is added. The H2O2 is miscible with water.
• A layer of H2O2-water combination is formed. The ketone forms another layer.
• The two layers are separated using a separating funnel.
• H2O2-water combination is distilled under reduced pressure to obtain a 30% solution of H2O2.
4. The ketone is recycled to obtain the same original alcohol.
• This is done using hydrogen gas as shown in the fig.9.6 below:
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Fig.9.6 |
Expressing the strength of hydrogen peroxide solution
This can be written in 6 steps:
1. H2O2 decomposes slowly on exposure to light.
The equation is: 2H2O2 ⟶ 2H2O + O2
So the strength of a H2O2 solution can be determined based on the amount of oxygen gas which can be produced from that solution.
2. Based on the equation in (1), we can write:
Two moles of H2O2 will give one mole of O2
Two moles of H2O2 is (2 × 34) = 68 grams of H2O2.
So we can write:
68 grams of H2O2 will give 22.7 litres of O2 gas at STP.
That means:
to make 1 litre of O2, we will need $\frac{68}{22.7}$ = 2.99 = 3 grams of H2O2.
In other words:
to make 1000 mL of O2, we will need 3 grams of H2O2.
It follows that:
to make 1 mL of O2, we will need $\frac{3}{1000}$ = 0.003 grams of H2O2.
3. At this stage, we need to become familiar with an internationally accepted rule.
This rule gives us the method for writing the strength of a H2O2 solution. It can be explained in 4 steps:
(i) Consider a H2O2 solution marked as 1 V.
It means that, 1 mL of that solution is capable to produce 1 mL of O2.
It is a 1:1 ratio.
So 10 mL of that solution is capable to produce 10 mL of O2.
(1 V is usually written simply as V)
(ii) Consider a H2O2 solution marked as 10 V.
It means that, 1 mL of that solution is capable to produce 10 mL of O2.
It is a 1:10 ratio.
So 10 mL of that solution is capable to produce 100 mL of O2.
(iii) Consider a H2O2 solution marked as 100 V.
It means that, 1 mL of that solution is capable to produce 100 mL of O2.
It is a 1:100 ratio.
So 10 mL of that solution is capable to produce 1000 mL of O2.
(iv) In this way, strength of the H2O2 available in the market is expressed in terms of ‘V’.
Here 'V stands for 'volume'.
4. Now we will see how much grams of H2O2 is present in each type. It can be written in 3 steps:
(i) Consider a 1 V solution of H2O2. Take out 1 mL from that solution.
We will get 1 mL of O2 from that 1 mL
From (2), we know that:
to make 1 mL of O2, we will need 0.003 grams of H2O2.
So it is clear that:
1 mL of 1 V solution will contain 0.003 grams of H2O2.
(ii) Consider a 10 V solution of H2O2. Take out 1 mL from that solution.
We will get 10 mL of O2 from that 1 mL
From (2), we know that:
to make 1 mL of O2, we will need 0.003 grams of H2O2.
So it is clear that:
1 mL of 10 V solution will contain 0.03 grams of H2O2.
(iii) Consider a 100 V solution of H2O2. Take out 1 mL from that solution.
We will get 100 mL of O2 from that 1 mL
From (2), we know that:
to make 1 mL of O2, we will need 0.003 grams of H2O2.
So it is clear that:
1 mL of 100 V solution will contain 0.3 grams of H2O2.
5. At this stage, we need to become familiar with another internationally accepted rule.
This rule gives us the method for writing the strength of any solution in percentage format. It can be explained in 5 steps:
(i) To calculate the percentage, we multiply a fraction by 100.
(ii) Numerator of the fraction should be:
Mass of the solute. It should be in grams.
(iii) Denominator of the fraction should be:
Volume of the solution. It should be in mL.
(iv) So the expression will be: $\frac{\rm{Mass~in~grams}}{\rm{Volume~in~mL} }~\times ~ 100$
(v) ‘grams’ in the numerator and ’mL’ in the denominator do not match. So during calculation of the percentage, units do not cancel each other.
We are inclined to write the unit as g/mL. But g/mL indicates ‘density’.
‘Density’ is different from ‘strength of solution’. So we cannot use g/mL here.
To solve this problem, we write m/V instead of g/mL. We also write the chemical equation of the solute.
6. Let us see some examples:
(i) In 4 (i), we saw that:
1 mL of 1 V solution will contain 0.003 grams of H2O2.
♦ So the numerator will be 0.003 grams
♦ The denominator will be 1 mL
Thus the percentage is: $\frac{0.003}{1} × 100$ = 0.3%
We can write:
1 V H2O2 solution is a 0.3% m/V H2O2 solution.
(ii) In 4 (ii), we saw that:
1 mL of 10 V solution will contain 0.03 grams of H2O2.
♦ So the numerator will be 0.03 grams
♦ The denominator will be 1 mL
Thus the percentage is: $\frac{0.03}{1} × 100$ = 3%
We can write:
10 V H2O2 solution is a 3% m/V H2O2 solution.
(iii) In 4 (iii), we saw that:
1 mL of 100 V solution will contain 0.3 grams of H2O2.
♦ So the numerator will be 0.3 grams
♦ The denominator will be 1 mL
Thus the percentage is: $\frac{0.3}{1} × 100$ = 30%
We can write:
100 V H2O2 solution is a 30% m/V H2O2 solution.
Physical properties of hydrogen peroxide
In pure form, H2O2 has a very pale blue color.
♦ When water is added to make a H2O2 solution, it becomes colorless.
H2O2 is miscible with water in all proportions. It exists as a hydrate H2O2.H2O
The physical properties of H2O2 can be obtained from standard tables. Let us see some interesting points from the table. It can be written in 5 steps:
1. Melting point of H2O2 is 272.4 K
We know that, the normal room temperature is 298 K. At this temperature, H2O2 will be in liquid form.
So if we start cooling this liquid, it will solidify when the temperature drops to 272.4 K
Recall that, water solidifies at nearly the same temperature, which is 273 K
2. When in liquid form, the density of H2O2 is 1.44 g/cm3
(This is at the room temperature of 298 K)
Density of liquid water is nearly the same, which is 1 g/cm3
3. When in solid form, the density of H2O2 is 1.64 g/cm3
(This is at a temperature of 268.5 K)
Density of solid ice is 0.9 g/cm3
4. Note that:
♦ When water solidifies, density decreases.
♦ When H2O2 solidifies, density increases.
5. H2O2 is slightly more viscous than water.
Solved example 9.5
On a bottle of hydrogen peroxide solution available in the market, the strength is marked as 40 V. How many grams of hydrogen peroxide is present in each 1 mL of that solution?
1. The strength is marked as 40 V.
• So each 1 mL in that solution is capable to produce 40 mL of oxygen at STP.
2. We have the equation:
2H2O2 ⟶ 2H2O + O2
• So 68 grams of H2O2 will give 22.7 litres of O2 at STP
• So to produce 1 litre of O2, we must have $\frac{68}{22.7}$ = 2.99 = 3 grams of H2O2
⇒ To produce 1000 mL of O2, we must have 3 grams of H2O2
⇒ To produce 1 mL of O2, we must have $\frac{3}{1000}$ = 0.003 grams of H2O2
⇒ To produce 40 mL of O2, we must have (40 × 0.003) = 0.12 grams of H2O2
3. So it is clear that:
0.12 grams of hydrogen peroxide is present in each 1 mL of that solution.
4. Strength of the solution in percentage format is: $\frac{0.12}{1}~\times ~100$ = 12%
In the next section, we
will see structure of hydrogen peroxide.
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