Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Chapter 6.5 - Enthalpy Change of Reaction

In the previous section, we saw how 'enthalpy changes' can be determined using calorimetry. In this section, we will see 'enthalpy change of reaction'.

Enthalpy change of reaction can be explained in 13 steps. While writing those steps, we will see enthalpy change of formation also:
1. Consider the equation of a simple reaction: Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
This is a balanced equation. We know that, a balanced equation will give the number of moles of each of the reactants and products involved in the reaction.
For example, in this reaction, one mol zinc reacts with two mol HCl to give one mol ZnCl2 and one mol H2
2. We can write the general form of a balanced equation:
a1R1 + a2R2 + a3R3 + . . . →  b1P1 + b2P2 + b3P3 + . . .   
• R1, R2, R3, . . . are the reactants
    ♦ a1, a2, a3, . . . are the ‘number of mol’ of each of those reactants.
• P1, P2, P3, . . . are the products
    ♦ b1, b2, b3, . . . are the ‘number of mol’ of each of those products.
3. Now we apply the concept of enthalpy to each reactant and product:
Let ΔHf[R1] be the enthalpy change when one mole of R1 is formed.
    ♦ The subscript 'f' denotes 'formation'.
This enthalpy change must be determined only after carefully considering two aspects:
(i) R1 can be formed in many ways.
For example:
• H2O can be formed by the combination of H2 and O2
    ♦ 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
• H2O can be formed as one of the products in a reaction
    ♦ HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O
We must consider only that reaction in which R1 is formed from it's elements.
So in the case of H2O, we must consider only: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
(ii) While carrying out the reaction between H2 and O2, different labs may use different temperatures and pressures. This will give different ΔHf values.
• In order to avoid such a confusion, scientists have given a set of rules:
    ♦ The elements from which R1 is formed must be
          ✰ Under a pressure of 1 bar
          ✰ At a temperature of 298.15 K
          ✰ At the most stable state
          ✰ For example, oxygen is most stable when it exist as O2 molecules, not as individual O atoms.
4. When the above two aspects are obeyed, the ΔHf value obtained is written as: ΔHf
• The superscript '' indicates that, it is the standard value.
ΔHf is known as the standard enthalpy change of formation.
5. It is interesting to note that, ΔHf values for elements is zero.
• For example: ΔHf[O2] = 0,  ΔHf[C] = 0   etc.,
    ♦ This is because:
          ✰ O2 is formed from O2. There is no enthalpy change.
          ✰ C is formed from C. There is no enthalpy change.
• We can look up the ΔHf values of most compounds from the data book or text book.
6. Now consider the general reaction mentioned in (2)
• Let us write down the ΔHf values of the reactants R1, R2, R3, . . .
    ♦ They can be written as: ΔHf[R1], ΔHf[R2], ΔHf[R3], . . .
• Let us write down the ΔHf values of the products P1, P2, P3, . . .
    ♦ They can be written as: ΔHf[P1], ΔHf[P2], ΔHf[P3], . . .
7. The above ΔHf values that we obtain from the data book, are related to one mole.
For example, the ΔHf value of Al2O3 is -1675.7 kJ mol-1
    ♦ That means, when one mol Al2O3 is formed from Al and O2, the enthalpy change is -1675.7 kJ
• But in our present case, we have:
    ♦ a1 mol of reactant R1
    ♦ a2 mol of reactant R2 . . . so on
So we must multiply the values by the corresponding mol number.
Thus the step (6) can be modified as:
    ♦ ΔHf values of the reactants: a1ΔHf[R1], a2ΔHf[R2], a3ΔHf[R3], . . .
    ♦ ΔHf values of the products: b1ΔHf[P1], b2ΔHf[P2], b3ΔHf[P3], . . .
8. Now we find two sums:
(i) Sum for the reactants:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{\sum\limits_{i}{a_i \Delta {H^\circleddash}_f[R_i]}}}$ = a1ΔHf[R1] + a2ΔHf[R2] + a3ΔHf[R3] . . .
(ii) Sum for the products:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{\sum\limits_{i}{b_i \Delta {H^\circleddash}_f[P_i]}}}$ = b1ΔHf[P1] + b2ΔHf[P2] + b3ΔHf[P3] . . .
9. Next we subtract the first sum from the second sum.
The result is: standard enthalpy change of reaction.
    ♦ It is denoted as: ΔHr
10. So for the general reaction mentioned in (2), we can write:
Eq.6.9: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\Delta {H^\circleddash }_r=\sum\limits_{i}{b_i \Delta {H^\circleddash}_f[P_i]}-\sum\limits_{i}{a_i \Delta {H^\circleddash}_f[R_i]}}}$
11. Using this equation, let us find the ΔHr of the reaction mentioned in (1), which is:
Zn (s) + 2HCl (aq) → ZnCl2 (s) + H2 (g)
It can be done in 2 steps:
(i) From the data book (values can be obtained online also) , we have:
    ♦ ΔHf[Zn(s)] = 0 kJ mol-1
    ♦ ΔHf[HCl(aq)] = -167.16 kJ mol-1
    ♦ ΔHf[ZnCl2(aq)] = -488.2 kJ mol-1
    ♦ ΔHf[H2(g)] = 0 kJ mol-1
(ii) Applying Eq.6.9, we get:
ΔHr = [-415.1 -(2 × -167.16)] = -153.88 kJ mol-1
12. Now we will see the significance of the sign (+ve or -ve) of the ΔH value.
It can be written in 4 steps:
(i) We have: UB = UA + QP  – W
(Here we asume that, the system absorbs QP. So it is given a positive sign)
UB = UA + QP – P(VB – VA)
(UB + PVB) – (UA + PVA) = QP
ΔH = HB – HA = QP
(ii) We see that, if HB is greater than HA, ΔH will be positive.
QP will also be positive
    ♦ That means our assumption is correct.
    ♦ That means, the system absorbs heat.
(iii) So we can conclude that:
A positive ΔH indicates that the system absorbs heat. It is an endothermic reaction.
(iv) We can write the converse also:
A negative ΔH indicates that the system releases heat. It is an exothermic reaction.
13. We have seen how ΔHr is calculated for the reaction between Zn and HCl.
Let us see another example. This time we want the ΔHr of the following reaction:
CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)
This is the decomposition reaction of calcium carbonate. The answer can be written in 3 steps:
(i) From the data book, we have:
    ♦ ΔHf[CaCO3(s)] = -1206.92 kJ mol-1
    ♦ ΔHf[CaO(aq)] = -635.09 kJ mol-1
    ♦ ΔHf[ZnCl2(aq)] = -393.51 kJ mol-1
(ii) Applying Eq.6.9, we get:
ΔHr = [-635.09 - 393.51 - (-1206.92)] = 178.32 kJ mol-1
We get a positive value. That means, we have to supply 178.32 kJ mol-1 for the reaction to take place.
(iii) From the balanced equation, it is clear that, one mol CaCO3 is undergoing decomposition.
So we can write: 178.32 kJ is required for the decomposition of one mol CaCO3
If we know the mass (in grams) of CaCO3 at the beginning of the reaction, we can calculate the number of moles present in that mass.
Using that ‘number of moles’, the heat energy required can be calculated.
This is the advantage of knowing the ΔHr value of a reaction.

It is clear that, the ΔHf values of individual reactants and products play an important role in the ΔHr value of the overall reaction.
In step (3), we have seen two important aspects about ΔHf
    ♦ Now we will see them in some more detail
It can be written in 5 steps:
1.We have seen that, the ΔHf values can be looked up from the data book.
Those values in the data book are determined by scientists using precision instruments in the lab.
Those experiments are carried out under standard conditions (1 bar pressure and 298.15 K)
    ♦ So whenever the experiments are repeated in different labs, the same ΔHf values will be obtained.
2. The experiments are chosen in such a way that the required compound is formed from the constituent elements only.
This point can be explained using an example:
(i) The following reaction → CaCO3 as the product:
CaO(s) + CO2(g) → CaCO3(s)
    ♦ ΔH for the reaction is: -178.3 kJ mol-1
(iii) CaCO3 is the only product. Also, only one mol CaCO3 is formed.
So it appears that ΔHf of CaCO3 is -178.3 kJ mol-1
But it is not the acceptable value because, in this reaction, CaCO3 is formed from other compounds.
• For the ΔH to be acceptable as ΔHf, there must be only Ca, C and O (in their pure forms) in the left side of the equation in (i)
3. Consider the reaction given below:
H2(g) + Br2(l) → 2HBr(g)
• The ΔH for this reaction is -72.8 kJ mol-1
• Can we take -72.8 kJ mol-1 as the ΔHf value of HBr?
   ♦ On the left side only H2 and Br2 is present.
   ♦ On the right side, only HBr is present.
   ♦ So at a first glance, it appears that, -72.8 kJ mol-1 is indeed the ΔHf value of HBr.
• But remember that, value is related to the formation of one mole of a compound.
   ♦ In our present case, two moles of HBr is formed
   ♦ So 72.8 kJ is the energy released when two moles of HBr is formed.
   ♦ Thus, 72.8 kJ mol-1 is not acceptable.
• However, if we divide the equation through out out by 2, we will get:
12H2(g) + 12Br2(l) → HBr(g)
   ♦ This time, only one mol HBr is formed. So the energy released will be half of 72.8 kJ
   ♦ That means, when one mol HBr is formed, the energy released is (12 × 72.8) = 36.4
   ♦ So we can write: ΔHf of HBr is -36.4 kJ mol-1
4. Let us compare ΔHf and ΔHr
• We  know that, both are 'enthalpy changes' taking place during reactions.
• But ΔHf is a special case of ΔHr
   ♦ Because, for an enthalpy change to be acceptable as ΔHf, the three rules mentioned above must be satisfied.
• The three rules can be summarized as follows:
(i) standard conditions should be adopted.
(ii) On the left side of the reaction equation, there must be the constituent elements (in standard form) only.
• On the right side, there must be only one compound
(iii) On the right side, there must be only one mol of the compound.
5. The reader must try and become convinced that:
    ♦ All ΔHf values are ΔHr values
    ♦ But all ΔHr values are not ΔHf values

In the next section we will see thermochemical equations




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