Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Chapter 6.2 - Enthalpy

In the previous section, we saw the first law of thermodynamics. We also saw the work done in various thermodynamic processes. In this section, we will see enthalpy.

Details about enthalpy can be written in 20 steps:
1. Consider an isochoric (constant volume) process
• We have seen that, no work is done during an isochoric process
• So we can write: UB = UA + Q + 0
⇒ ΔU = UB – UA = Q
2. That means, the 'heat' is equal to 'change in internal energy'. We can write:
• If during an isochoric process, heat is supplied to the system, all that heat will be utilized to increase the internal energy of the system.
    ♦ That is., ‘increase in internal energy’ will be equal to the ‘heat supplied’.
• If during an isochoric process, heat is released from the system, all that heat will be at the expense of the internal energy of the system.
    ♦ That is., 'decrease in internal energy' will be equal to the 'heat released'.
3. In chemistry, most of the reactions are carried out in open flasks or test tubes.
    ♦ So the system is open to the atmosphere.
• So a constant pressure (the atmospheric pressure) is acting on the system.
• That means, the systems that we encounter in chemistry are not isochoric but isobaric.
4. We know that, work done in an isobaric process is given by PΔV
• So applying the first law of thermodynamics, we get:
UB = UA + QP – P ΔV
    ♦ Where
          ✰ P is the atmospheric pressure.
          ✰ QP is the heat supplied at constant atmospheric pressure.
• Thus we get:
ΔU = UB – UA = QP – P ΔV
5. We know that, ΔV is the change in volume experienced by the system.
    ♦ In the initial state A, the volume of the system will be VA
    ♦ In the final state B, the volume of the system will be VB
• So change in volume ΔV will be equal to (VB – VA)
• So the result in (4) will becomes: UB - UA = QP – P(VB – VA)
⇒ UB – UA = QP – P VB + P VA
⇒ UB + P VB – UA – P VA = QP
• Thus we get Eq.6.2: QP = (UB + P VB) – (UA + P VA)
6. Eq.6.2 gives an easy method to calculate QP
• The quantities inside the brackets can be considered as a new property.
• Consider the second item on the right side. It is 'UA + P VA'
• Let us analyze UA + PVA
Clearly, it is the sum of two items:
(i) UA, which is the internal energy of the system at the initial state.
(ii) PVA, which is the product of the pressure and volume of the system at the initial state.
7. Note that, dimensionally, the product ‘PVA’ ie equivalent to ‘energy’.
• UA is also energy.
• So the addition of UA and PVA is dimensionally correct.
• The sum gives an energy.
This energy is called enthalpy
• It is derived from the Greek word ‘enthalpein’ which means: heat
8. Enthalpy is represented by the letter H
• So we can write:
UA + P VA = HA
• HA is the enthalpy possessed by the system at the initial state.
9. Similarly we can write:
UB + P VB = HB
• HB is the enthalpy possessed by the system at the final state.
10. In general we can write:
Eq.6.3: H = U + PV
11. We know that, U is a state variable.
• Now let us check whether enthalpy is a state variable or not.
    ♦ We have: H = U + PV
    ♦ We know that, U, P and V are state variables
    ♦ So H will be a state variable
12. Now, Eq.6.2 can be modified as: QP = HB – HA
From this we get Eq.6.4: QP = ΔH
• That means:
Heat in an isobaric process
= The change in enthalpy
= The final enthalpy minus initial enthalpy
13. Let us check whether QP is a state variable or not
    ♦ We have QP = HB – HA
    ♦ We just saw that, H is a state variable.
    ♦ So QP will be a state variable.
14. It is interesting to note that, heat (Q) is a path variable. But heat at constant pressure (QP) is a state variable.
15. In the previous sections, we have seen that:
    ♦ We are not interested in the actual values UA and UB
    ♦ What we want is the difference (ΔU) between UA and UB
• Now, we see that, HA and HB depends on UA and UB as follows:
      HA = UA + PVA and HB = UB + PVB
      [See steps (8) and (9)]
• So it seems that, we cannot ignore the actual values UA and UB, because, they are necessary to calculate HA and HB
• But fortunately, we do not need the actual values HA and HB either.
    ♦ What we want is the difference (ΔH) between HA and HB
• When we calculate ΔH, we get:
(UA + PVA) - (UB + PVB)
= (UA – UB) + P(VA – VB)
• So with regard to ΔH also, the difference ΔU is what we want.
16. An important point to note:
• When the reaction takes place at constant pressure, the heat absorbed/liberated is equal to the difference in enthalpy ΔH.
    ♦ This we proved in step (12)
17. Based on this information, we can analyze exothermic and endothermic reactions.
First we will see the condition in which ΔH is positive. This can be written in 3 steps:
(i) We have: QP = HB – HA
    ♦ If QP is positive, it implies that: HB > HA
    ♦ It also implies that ΔH is positive.
(ii) HB > HA implies that final enthalpy is greater than initial enthalpy.
    ♦ That means, heat is absorbed during the reaction.
    ♦ But a reaction in which heat is absorbed is an endothermic reaction.
(iii) So we can write:
If ΔH is positive, it implies that, the reaction is endothermic.
Next we will see the condition in which ΔH is negative. This can be written in 3 steps:
(i) We have: QP = HB – HA
    ♦ If QP is negative, it implies that: HB < HA
    ♦ It also implies that ΔH is negative.
(ii) HB < HA implies that final enthalpy is lesser than initial enthalpy.
    ♦ That means, heat is released during the reaction.
    ♦ But a reaction in which heat is released is an exothermic reaction.
(iii) So we can write:
If ΔH is negative, it implies that, the reaction is exothermic.
18. The relation between ΔH and ΔU when the process is isochoric:
This can be explained in 3 steps:
(i) Consider the result in (15): ΔH = (UA – UB) + P(VA – VB)
    ♦ Thus we get Eq.6.5: ΔH = ΔU + PΔV
(ii) For an isochoric process, ΔV = 0
    ♦ So for an isochoric process, ΔH = ΔU
(iii) In reactions where there are solids and/or liquids, there will not be appreciable changes in volumes.
    ♦ In such cases, ΔV can be taken as zero.
    ♦ So for reactions involving only solids and/or liquids, ΔH will be equal to ΔU.
19. The relation between ΔH and ΔU when gases are involved:
This can be explained in 2 steps:
(i) When gases are involved, there will be volume changes.
    ♦ Then ΔH will not be equal to ΔU.
(ii) That means, there will be some difference between ΔH and ΔU.
    ♦ This difference between ΔH and ΔU will be equal to PΔV.
    ♦ This is evident from Eq.6.5
20. So, when gases are involved in a reaction, we will have to calculate PΔV.
Let us see how it is calculated. It can be written in 6 steps:
(i) In the initial state A, only reactants will be present.
That is., at state A, all the molecules present in the system will be those of the reactants.
There will not be any molecules of the products.
(ii) Let VA be the total volume of all the reactant molecules.
Using ideal gas equation, we can write: PVA = nART
    ♦ Where nA is the total number of moles of the reactants.
(iii) Let VB be the total volume of all the product molecules.
Using ideal gas equation, we can write: PVB = nBRT
    ♦ Where nB is the total number of moles of the products.
(iv) Subtracting PVA from both sides of (iii), we get:
(v) But from (ii), PVA = nART
So the result in (iv) becomes:
P (VB – VA) = (nB – nA) RT
(vi) Thus we get Eq.6.6: PΔV = ΔngRT
    ♦ Where Δng is the difference between the two items:
Total number of gaseous moles in the final state B.
Total number of gaseous moles in the initial state A.

We will see some solved examples:
Solved example 6.6

If water vapour is assumed to be a perfect gas, molar enthalpy change for vapourisation of 1 mol of water at 1 bar and 100°C is 41kJ mol-1 . Calculate the internal energy change, when 1 mol of water is vapourised at 1 bar pressure and 100°C.
• We can solve this problem using two methods
    ♦ Method I is by using the basics.
    ♦ Method II is by using the equations that we derived.
Method I:
1. Let A be the initial state.
• In this state, the system is:
    ♦ 1 mol of water at 100 °C and 1 bar pressure
2. Let B be the final state.
• In this state, the system is:
    ♦ 1 mol of water vapour at 100 °C and 1 bar pressure.
3. We have seen that:
    ♦ Enthalpy in the initial state, HA = (UA + PVA)
    ♦ Enthalpy in the final state, HB = (UB + PVB)
    ♦ So enthalpy change = (HB - HA) = [(UB - UA) + P(VB - VA)]
4. But enthalpy change is given as 41 KJ
• So we can write:
[(UB - UA) + P(VB - VA)] = 41
5. In the above equation, there are 3 terms: (UB - UA), P(VB - VA) and 41
• So, if we can find P(VB - VA), we can calculate (UB - UA)
6. P(VB - VA) can be calculated in steps:
(i) From ideal gas equation, we have:
    ♦ PAVA = nARTA
    ♦ PBVB = nBRTB
• In our present case:
    ♦ PA = PB = P = 1 bar
    ♦ TA = TB = T = 100 °C = 373 K
(ii) So P(VB - VA) = (nB - nA)RT
    ♦ nA = number of gaseous moles in the initial state = 0
    ♦ nB = number of gaseous moles in the final state = 1
    ♦ So (nB - nA) = 1
(iii) Substituting the known values, the right side of (ii) becomes:
(1 mol) × (8.3 J mol-1 K-1) × (373 K) = 3095.9 J = 3.096 kJ
7. We can use the value obtained above, in the place of P(VB - VA) in (4)
• We get: [(UB - UA) + 3.096] = 41
• So (UB - UA) = ΔU = (41 - 3.096) = 37.904 kJ

Method II:
1. The pressure is 1 bar and temperature is 373 K
    ♦ Under these conditions, 1 mol of water changes into steam.
    ♦ During this process, the pressure and temperature remains the same.
    ♦ 1 mol of water at 100 °C is initial state A.
    ♦ 1 mol of water vapour at 100 °C is final state B.
2. Given that, the enthalpy change for this process is 41 kJ
    ♦ So ΔH = 41 kJ
3. We are asked to find the internal energy change ΔU
    ♦ We have Eq.6.5 which connects ΔH and ΔU: ΔH = ΔU + PΔV
4. So our next aim is to find PΔV
    ♦ We have Eq.6.6: PΔV = ΔngRT
5. Δng = number of gaseous moles in the final state - number of gaseous moles in the initial state = (1 - 0) = 1
6. Substituting the known values in (4), we get:
PΔV = (1 mol) × (8.3 J mol-1 K-1) × (373 K) = 3095.9 J = 3.096 kJ
7. So from (3), we get:
ΔU = (ΔH - PΔV) = (41 - 3.096) = 37.904 kJ

Solved example 6.7
The molar enthalpy change for fusion for ice at 0.0°C and a pressure of 1.00 atm is 6.01 kJ, and the molar volumes of ice and water at 0°C are 0.0197 L and 0.0180 L, respectively. Calculate ΔU for the melting of ice at 0.0°C
• We can solve this problem using two methods
    ♦ Method I is by using the basics.
    ♦ Method II is by using the equations that we derived.

Method I:
1. Let A be the initial state
• In this state, the system is:
    ♦ 1 mol of ice at 0.0 °C and 1.00 atm pressure
2. Let B be the final state.
• In this state, the system is:
    ♦ 1 mol of water at 0.0 °C and 1.00 atm pressure
3. We have seen that:
    ♦ Enthalpy in the initial state, HA = (UA + PVA)
    ♦ Enthalpy in the final state, HB = (UB + PVB)
    ♦ So enthalpy change = (HB - HA) = [(UB - UA) + P(VB - VA)]
4. But enthalpy change is given as 6.01 KJ
• So we can write:
[(UB - UA) + P(VB - VA)] = 6.01
5. In the above equation, there are 3 terms: (UB - UA), P(VB - VA) and 6.01
• So, if we can find P(VB - VA), we can calculate (UB - UA)
6. P(VB - VA) can be easily calculated because, the values of P, VA and VB are given:
    ♦ P = 1 atm = 1.013 × 105 N m-2.
    ♦ Initial volume VA = Volume of 1 mol ice = 0.0197 L = 0.0197 × 10-3 m3
    ♦ Final volume VB = Volume of 1 mol water = 0.0180 L = 0.0180 × 10-3 m3.
We get: P(VB - VA) = 1.013 × 105 × (0.0180 - 0.0197) × 10-3 = -0.17221 J = -0.00017221 kJ
7. We can use the value obtained above, in the place of P(VB - VA) in (4)
• We get: [(UB - UA) -0.00017221] = 6.01
• So (UB - UA) = ΔU = (6.01 + 0.00017221) = 6.01 kJ

Method II:
1. The pressure is 1 atm (1.013 × 105 N m-2) and temperature is 0.0 °C (273 K)
    ♦ Under these conditions, 1 mol of ice changes into water.
    ♦ During this process, the pressure and temperature remains the same.
2. Given that, the enthalpy change for this process is 6.01 kJ
    ♦ So ΔH = 6.01 kJ
3. We are asked to find the internal energy change ΔU
    ♦ We have Eq.6.5 which connects ΔH and ΔU: ΔH = ΔU + PΔV
4. So our next aim is to find PΔV
In this problem, the initial and final volumes are given:
    ♦ Initial volume VA = Volume of 1 mol ice = 0.0197 L = 0.0197 × 10-3 m3
    ♦ Final volume VB = Volume of 1 mol water = 0.0180 L = 0.0180 × 10-3 m3
Thus PΔV = 1.013 × 105 × (0.0180 - 0.0197) × 10-3 = -0.17221 J = -0.00017221 kJ
5. So from (3), we get:
ΔU = (ΔH - PΔV) = [6.01 - (-0.00017221)] = 6.01 kJ
6. In this problem, gases are not involved. Water is in the liquid state and ice is in the solid state. We have seen that, when gases are not involved, ΔH  will be equal to ΔU (see step 18).

Solved example 6.8
At 298 K and 1 atm, the conversion of graphite to diamond requires the input of 1.850 kJ of heat per mole of carbon. The molar volumes of graphite and diamond are 0.00534 L and 0.00342 L, respectively. Calculate ΔH and ΔU for the conversion of C (graphite) to C (diamond) under these conditions
• We can solve this problem using two methods
    ♦ Method I is by using the basics.
    ♦ Method II is by using the equations that we derived.

Method I:
1. Let A be the initial state.
• In this state, the system is:
    ♦ 1 mol of graphite at 298 K and 1 atm pressure
2. Let B be the final state.
• In this state, the system is:
    ♦ 1 mol of diamond at 298 K and 1 atm pressure
3. We have seen that:
    ♦ Enthalpy in the initial state, HA = (UA + PVA)
    ♦ Enthalpy in the final state, HB = (UB + PVB)
    ♦ So enthalpy change = (HB - HA) = [(UB - UA) + P(VB - VA)]
4. When a process takes place at constant pressure, the heat supplied is equal to the enthalpy change (Eq.6.4)
But heat supplied is given as 1.850 KJ
• So we can write:
[(UB - UA) + P(VB - VA)] = 1.850
5. In the above equation, there are 3 terms: (UB - UA), P(VB - VA) and 1.850
• So, if we can find P(VB - VA), we can calculate (UB - UA)
6. P(VB - VA) can be easily calculated because, the values of P, VA and VB are given:
    ♦ P = 1 atm = 1.013 × 105 N m-2.
    ♦ Initial volume VA = Volume of 1 mol graphite = 0.00534 L = 0.00534 × 10-3 m3
    ♦ Final volume VB = Volume of 1 mol diamond = 0.00342 L = 0.00342 × 10-3 m3
We get: P(VB - VA) = 1.013 × 105 × (0.00342 - 0.00534) × 10-3 = -0.1944 J = -0.0001944 kJ
7. We can use the value obtained above, in the place of P(VB - VA) in (4)
• We get: [(UB - UA) -0.0001944] = 1.850
• So (UB - UA) = ΔU = (1.850 + 0.0001944) = 1.850 kJ

Method II:
1. The pressure is 1 atm (1.013 × 105 N m-2) and temperature is 298 K
    ♦ Under these conditions, 1 mol of graphite changes into diamond.
    ♦ During this process, the pressure and temperature remains the same.
2. When pressure remains the same, the heat is equal to ΔH (see Eq.6.4)
Given that, 1.850 kJ of heat is required.
    ♦ So QP = ΔH = 1.850 kJ
3. We are asked to find the internal energy change ΔU
    ♦ We have Eq.6.5 which connects ΔH and ΔU: ΔH = ΔU + PΔV
4. So our next aim is to find PΔV
In this problem, the initial and final volumes are given:
    ♦ Initial volume VA = Volume of 1 mol graphite = 0.00534 L = 0.00534 × 10-3 m3
    ♦ Final volume VB = Volume of 1 mol diamond = 0.00342 L = 0.00342 × 10-3 m3
Thus PΔV = 1.013 × 105 × (0.00342 - 0.00534) × 10-3 = -0.1944 J = -0.0001944 kJ
5. So from (3), we get:
ΔU = (ΔH - PΔV) = [1.850 - (-0.0001944)] = 1.850 kJ
6. In this problem, gases are not involved. Graphite is in the solid state and diamond is also in the solid state. We have seen that, when gases are not involved, ΔH  will be equal to ΔU (see step 18)

In the next section we will see two more solved examples. We will also see extensive and intensive properties




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